Saturday, July 18, 2009

Welcome to One Gold Coin

Welcome to One Gold Coin, the semi-humorous, semi- serious blog focused on discussing the economics of World of Warcraft, and in simpler terms - how to make lots and lots of beautiful gold. But, first a little bit about me and my history with the game...

I have been playing WoW for about a year now, and in that time, I've managed to rack up an impressive amount of gold and have many alts with full bank tabs stuffed with valuable mats. I remember struggling on my first toon trying to afford my first 30g mount and how I never, ever wanted to grind that out again. I think I put Murlocs on the Azeroth endangered species list with the amount of them I killed for silver. I knew there had to be a better way.

So, I stepped back and looked at the game from a money-making perspective and started to realize that making gold in this game is not that difficult. It involves the simple principle of supply and demand, not wasting your gold on frivilous things, and anyone can do it with a little bit of effort and a few hours per week. I guess it's alot like making money in the real world, but let's face it - it's more fun and ten times easier in WoW.

To date, I have about 8 different toons on several different servers, and none of them are hurting for cash. I can afford to buy whatever I want in the game, when I want to buy it. I'm not bragging here (Okay, I am a little, amidoinitrite?), just showing you that I definitely know what I'm talking about and I want to teach you how to do it too. All this glorious information is yours for the reasonable price of "free". All I ask in return is you pass along this blog to your broke friends so they can pass it onto their broke friends... and so on and so on.

That being said, I prefer to remain 100% anonymous throughout the course of this blog, so I won't be talking about my toons, what my toons are up to, what servers I play on, or what content my guild is progressing through. I won't bore you with all that and I certainly don't want people whispering me in game with "how due i make teh goldz lol". But, I do plan on showing you readers how to make piles upon piles of shiny, glistening gold. You'll be able to walk into Orgrimmar or Stormwind sportin your shiny new bling, making the haters jealous n' stuff. You'll be up to your eyeballs in hot, gold-digging female Blood Elves. You'll be... oh, you get the point.

So, if that sounds like your cup of Winterspring firewater, welcome to One Gold Coin and I hope I can help you amass WoW riches beyond your wildest dreams. You're in my world now, princess. Time to learn and earn.

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