This item doesn't boast any stats to brag about. It doesn't even have an armor value. However, there is still a market for this somewhat unique item. Why? Because it looks badass and anyone over level 5 can wear one. But, that's not why we're after it. We're after it because it sells for upwards of 100g on some servers.
So, how does one acquire one of these Blood Elf Bandit Masks?
1. Head to Azuremyst Isle. If you are Alliance this will obviously be a lot easier, seeing as how it's an Alliance zone. I don't think you need instructions on getting there.
However - if you're Horde, fly from Orgrimmar to Zoram Strand, Ashenvale. From there, head north through Darkshore until you hit the lovely little Alliance town of Auberdine. Find the docks and go all the way to the end. That boat takes you right to the doorstep of Exodar on Azuremyst Isle. The guards in Auberdine are only level 45 or so, so they won't be a problem... unless...
... you are below level 50. This might be tricky to get around all the guards, but it can be done. Just be willing to do a lot of corpse runs. Once you get to Azuremyst itself, all the Exodar guards can be avoided if you are careful.
2. Now that you've set foot on Azuremyst isle, you're going to want to make loops around the island sticking mainly to the roads. Write a macro that says '/target Blood Elf Bandit' and spam it while you ride around. Even hunters or people with Blackened Worg Steaks will need the macro because he is stealthed and therefore track humanoids will NOT work on him.
The Blood Elf Bandit who drops the mask spawns at random points around the island. Once he is killed in one spot, he will spawn in a new spot. He is almost *always* near a main road. He is only level 7 and most players will be able to 1-shot him. Hunters, locks, and DKs might want to put their pets/minions/ghouls away or they will kill the bandit and you will not be able to loot him.
3. Be prepared to kill him quite a few times before the mask drops. I believe the drop rate is only around 10-11%, so you will need to take the little guy out a few times before you can get your hands on his mask. Your mount is going to get a lot of excercise.
4. With mask (or masks, if you farmed a little extra you devil) in hand, head to the nearest AH and post that sucker up. It should sell relatively fast as it's a fairly in-demand item that not too many people know how to acquire.
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